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Wann? - 17.August 2024 17:30 Uhr
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glazier - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glazier
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the surname, see Glazier (surname).

A glazier at work, 1946.

This Deutsche Bundespost postage stamp, issued in 1986, commemorates glaziers.
A glazier is a skilled tradesman responsible for trimming, setting up, and removing cup (and materials used as substitutes for glass, such as some plastics).[1 - Glaziers may use glass in a variety of materials and settings, such as home windows, doors, shower doorways, skylights, storefronts, display cases, mirrors, facades, interior wall space, ceilings, and tabletops.[1 - [2 -

Contents [cover -
1 Duties and tools
2 Education and training Glaziers Catford, Bellingham, Hither Green, SE6, Glazing http://glaziers-catford.co.uk - Glaziers Catford, Bellingham, Hither Green, SE6, Glazing!..
3 Occupational hazards
4 In the United States
5 See also
6 Notes
7 External links
Duties and tools[edit -

A couple of glazier tools
The Occupational Perspective Handbook of the U.S. Section of Labor lists the next as typical duties for a glazier:

Follow specifications or blueprints
Remove any old or broken glass before setting up replacement cup
Cut glass to the specified shape and size
Make or install sashes or moldings for glass installation
Fasten glass into sashes or frames with clips, moldings, or other types of fasteners
Add weather seal or putty around pane edges to seal joints.[3 -
The National Occupational Analysis recognized by the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship separates the trade into 5 blocks of skills, each with a list of skills, and a list of tasks and subtasks a journeyman is expected to have the ability to accomplish:[4 -

Stop A - Occupational Skills

1. Uses and maintains tools and equipment

2. Organizes work

3. Performs regular activities

Block B - Commercial Door and Window Systems

4. Fabricates commercial door and window systems

5. Installs commercial door and screen systems

Block C - Residential Windowpane and Door Systems

6. Installs residential windowpane systems

7. Installs home door systems

Stop D - Niche Products and Glass

8. Fabricates and installs area of expertise glass and products

9. Installs cup systems on vehicles

Block E - Servicing

10. Services commercial door and screen systems

11. Services residential home window and door systems

12. Services area of expertise products and cup.

Tools utilized by glaziers "include cutting boards, glass-cutting blades, straightedges, glazing kitchen knives, saws, drills, grinders, putty, and glazing compounds."[1 -

Some glaziers work specifically with glass in automobiles; other use the safety cup found in aircraft specifically.[1 - [3 -

Education and training[edit -
Glaziers are usually educated at the high school diploma or equivalent level and find out the skills of the trade via an apprenticeship program, which in the U.S. is four years typically.[3 -

In the U.S., apprenticeship programs are offered through the National Cup Association as well as trade associations and local contractors' associations. Construction-industry glaziers are frequently users of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades.[1 -

In Ontario, Canada, apprenticeships can be found at the provincial level and accredited through the Ontario College of Trades.[5 -

Other provinces manage their own apprenticeship programs.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glazing_(window) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glazing_(window)
The Trade of Glazier is a designated Red Seal Trade in Canada.[6 -

Occupational hazards[edit -
Occupational hazards encountered by glaziers are the risks to be trim by glass or tools and dropping from scaffolds or ladders.[1 - [3 - The use of heavy equipment could also cause injury: the National Institute for Occupational Basic safety and Health (NIOSH) reported in 1990 that a journeyman glazier died within an industrial accident in Indiana after attempting to use a manlift to carry a thousand-pound case of cup that your manlift didn't have capacity to transport.[7 -

In the United States[edit -
Based on the Occupational Outlook Handbook, there are a few 45,300 glaziers in the United States, with median pay of $38,410 per year in 2014.[3 - Two-thirds of Glaziers work in the building blocks, structure, and building exterior contractors industry, with smaller figures employed in building supplies and materials coping, building finishing contracting, automotive repair and maintenance, and cup and glass product manufacturing.[2 - [3 -

Among the 50 states, only Connecticut and Florida require glaziers to carry a license.[3 -

See also[edit -
Architectural glass
Glazing in architecture
Insulated glazing
Stained glass
Glass manufacturing


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